Hey captivators, are we ethical?
After captivators watched the video above, let's define ethic. Ethic is the principles of right and wrong that affects one's behaviors. It is tightly affected by our knowledge. For instance, imagine that we know nothing about drugs, we have never known that it will do harm to our body. We take in drugs as often as we breathe. We live in an environment where drugs are common, accepted and have been parts of our life. After we learnt, after we observe from a bigger circle of society, we at last find out that drugs are harmful and it has done no good to our life. That time, when we did not know that consuming drugs are no good, consuming drugs are still ethical. But at the moment that we learn more - as we have more knowledge about it - it turns out that we know it is not ethical. Therefore, whether something is ethical or not, it depends on the society, the place, the time, the context. Is it important to be ethical? Do you think it is important? Or is it not? Let's ...